The updated rules and regulations for the 2025 MOIHA season are highlighted in yellow. (Click here for print version)
The league will be divided into Tiers/Divisions, which will be determined by MOIHA. The makeup of the Tiers/Divisions may be adjusted from year to year.
*High School:
The high school league will consist of Varsity, Junior Varsity, and C-teams from Missouri and Illinois. All participating high schools must field at least one Varsity team (unless approved by MOIHA). After that requirement, a school may field one or more Junior Varsity team, and one or more C-Division team. Although allowed, the league would prefer that all schools field a Junior Varsity team before fielding a C-Division team. Below are short descriptions of each Tier/Division:
- Varsity Tier 1 - Top teams in the varsity division will make up this tier.
- Varsity Tier 2 - Considered an experienced level of play.
- Varsity Tier 3 - Considered a lower level of play.
- Junior Varsity - This level is for younger, inexperienced players that cannot compete at the varsity level. It is expected that teams will place their players at this level if they are not at the varsity skill level.
- C Division - This is a developmental division and is reserved for beginners at the high school level.
*Junior High:
The junior high league will consist of four tiers from Missouri and Illinois. All participating schools may field more than one team if able. Below are short descriptions of each tier:
- Tier 1 - Considered the top level of competition for this division.
- Tier 2 – Mid level skills.
- Tier 3 – Considered mid to low levels.
- Tier 4 – Considered low to entry level or developmental.
Note: If teams at the high school or junior high levels show they are not tiered appropriately, they may be moved to a higher/lower level during the regular season or before the playoffs begin. It is important each coach place their teams in the appropriate tiers to avoid changes that may disrupt the regular season or playoffs.
The MOIHA Championships/playoffs will take place at the conclusion of the regular season.
Non-checking meaning, any deliberate or meaningful body contact as deemed by, or at the referee's discretion. Accidental contact may or may not be penalized at the referee's discretion.
*2.A. RINKS:
All games will be played in rinks that have been approved by MOIHA.
The Breakout preseason tournament will take place before the beginning of the regular season. This tournament will help MOIHA determine what tier/division each team will play in during the regular season. All high school teams not planning on competing at the Varsity 1 level and all junior high teams are required to participate in this tournament (unless approved by MOIHA). Varsity 1 level teams may participate if they so choose, and it is recommended. Breakout rules can be found on the “Breakout” dropdown tab on the MOIHA website.
The regular season will begin in mid March and will conclude in May. The league will make every attempt to begin the season after the Mid-States ice hockey season and complete the season, including playoffs by the time most schools closed for the summer.
The MOIHA championships/playoffs will be conducted at the conclusion of the regular season. Playoff format and number of teams making the playoffs in each tier/division, will be determined by MOIHA towards the end of the regular season. Please note that some teams will not qualify for the playoffs and the league reserves the right to alter the playoff format at any time. Playoff games that end in a tie after regulation play will play a 4 on 4 sudden-death overtime. The overtime periods are 17 minutes long and will continue until there is a winner. In the circumstance that a playoff series is best of three, the third game will be a “mini game” which will be played immediately after game number two (if necessary). The mini game will consist of one 10 minute period (goaltenders will start on the end that is opposite to their player bench). If the “mini game” is still tied after the 10 minute period, there will be 10 minute sudden-death overtime periods until there is a winner (goaltenders will continue to switch ends throughout the overtime periods). The rosters are locked after the regular season; only goalies are eligible to swing but must be approved by MOIHA. A player must have played in a minimum of 7 games in high school with the same team and 6 games in Junior High with the same team to be eligible for the playoffs. Games played in high school and junior high are not combined for games played. Any junior high player participating in the high school playoffs must be eligible to participate in the junior high playoffs (unless a special exemption was granted by the MOIHA Board of Directors for competitive balance reasons). Games played can be appealed for medical reasons. Forfeited games do not count towards games played for the forfeiting team. If an organization has rostered their goalies on all of their teams, they must designate the goalie rankings at the start of the season. Once the playoffs start, the goalies will be locked on their teams and may not play at lower levels unless league approval is provided. Example: Goalie “A” is rostered for the Varsity Tier 1 and also as a backup for Junior Varsity (JV); goalie “B” is rostered as the primary for JV and the backup for Varsity. When the playoffs start, goalie “A” may only play with the Varsity and goalie “B” may only play for the JV team. If there are more teams than goalies for your organization, you will be required to designate the primary goalie for each team.
Teams are responsible for scheduling, organizing, and conducting their own practices. Teams are asked to support the rinks that will be used in league play when scheduling practice times.
Teams may not represent MOIHA, or use its name or logo, in any tournament, contest, or exhibition without prior written permission.
- 6.A.1. WARMUP:
A three (3) minute warmup period will be provided prior to the start of the game.
- 6.A.2. GAME TIME:
Games will consist of 2 periods of 17 minutes each, stop time. Games will start on time. Games will not start early. No team shall be allowed to start a game with fewer than four skaters and a fully dressed goaltender or five skaters if they do not have a goaltender dressed on the playing surface. If a team does not have the required number of skaters and/or goaltender after the three (3) minute warmup, that team may take their one (1) minute timeout. Any team delaying the game five (5) minutes beyond the scheduled start time (not including the 3 minute warmup or the 1 minute timeout if taken) shall be assessed a forfeit and subject to disciplinary actions. For a violation of delaying the game beyond the scheduled start time, a bench minor penalty for delay of game shall be assessed to the team creating the delay. The game shall begin immediately when both teams place four skaters and a goaltender or five skaters upon the surface. Any remaining portion of the five (5) minutes shall be terminated. No additional warmups shall be allowed once the three (3) minute warmup has expired. If at any time during a game, a team cannot provide at least two eligible skaters and a goaltender or three skaters if there is no goaltender on the playing surface, the offending team shall forfeit the game. The league reserves the right to review any situation related to the games being suspended or forfeited because of an act out of anyone’s control, for example; weather, traffic accidents, etc. If a game is forfeited, the forfeiting team will be fined $250.00.
- 6.A.3. TIME OUT:
Each team will have one (1) time out, consisting of one (1) minute. Any coach, captain, or alternate captain may indicate to the referee that the time out is requested.
- 6.A.4. HALF TIME:
A two (2) minute intermission will take place between the 1st and 2nd period.
- 6.A.5. OVERTIME:
A three (3) minute 3 on 3 sudden death stop clock period will be played if the game remains tied at the end of regulation time. Sudden death implies that the first team that scores wins. In an overtime game, a carryover penalty will be played in the same format as regulation. For example, if a team is down a man heading into overtime, the team will maintain a 4-on-3 advantage at the start of overtime. Teams will go to 3-on-3 at the first whistle following the penalty. However, if a penalty is called during overtime, teams will play 3-on-2. If, after the sudden death overtime period, the teams remain tied, there will be a 3 man shoot-out and goaltenders will switch ends (side furthest away from their bench). If a team wins in overtime or shoot-out, that team will be awarded two (2) points and the losing team will receive one (1) point.
- 6.A.6. MERCY:
When the goal differential in any game is 10, the referee will terminate the game. If this occurs in the first period then the clock will run and the game is over after the first period is completed. If at the conclusion of the first period, the score is no longer a differential of 10, the game will resume as normal. If the goal differential is 8, then the clock will run and it will not be stop time again until the score is within 2 goals. If a mercy occurs in the Junior High divisions, the teams will play out the remainder of the game (run time & if the losing team agrees) with no stats being recorded. If the rink is behind schedule, the remaining time of the game will be adjusted to get the rink back on time.
Games officially cancelled will be rescheduled at a later date. When a team requests that a game be rescheduled, a $250.00 rescheduling charge will be incurred and the game will be rescheduled at a later date. The team requesting the rescheduled game, must do so at least 2 weeks in advance. Games in the final two weeks of the season cannot be rescheduled. As stated above there is a $250.00 fine for forfeited games.
- 7.A.1. REFEREES:
The two (2) referee system will be employed at all MOIHA games. If both referees are not available when the game is scheduled to begin, the game will start with one referee. At this time, someone from the home team should notify the league by leaving a message with the league office and reporting a referee issue at a specific rink involving what teams. The league will then make every effort to get a replacement referee to the rink as soon as possible. If the game ends with only one referee, the game will stand as an official game. If neither scheduled referee is present at game time, the home team should notify the league by leaving a message with the league office and reporting a referee issue. Both teams will wait for 15 minutes from game time before the game is officially cancelled. The league will reschedule this game at a later date. An organization’s board member or coach requesting to comment on the performance of a referee may use the referee feedback form. The referee feedback form can be found on the league website under the “Contacts” header and submitted online.
Referees will complete a disciplinary form for incidents that require attention of the disciplinary board. The leagues disciplinary board consist of the league Commissioner, Referee In Chief and MOIHA board members. The board will meet every two weeks during the regular season. Incidents that require board attention will wait until the board meets. This means that the player in question will not play any league games until the disciplinary board resolves the issue. The team may contest the incident by requesting a special session of the board at a cost of $150.00 per session. The MOIHA Board of Directors and the Commissioner will have the authority to review any situations involving: players, coaches, parents and other spectators that are in need of possible disciplinary action.
- 7.A.3. RULES:
MOIHA will use the Roller Hockey Alliance rulebook. Click here to view the RHA Rulebook. We also have added the addendum to the rulebook towards the bottom of this document.
- 7.A.4. TEAM STAFF:
A limit of 3 team staff members will be allowed on the players bench (including managers, trainers and coaches). There must be at least one (1) adult or staff member on the bench during the entire duration of the game at all times. All staff members on the bench must be at least 18 years of age and have reviewed the “Coaches Code of Conduct” (located at the bottom of the page).
The league/rink will supply an official scorekeeper/timekeeper. If, at the start of the game, the official scorekeeper is not available, the head referee will ask each team (home team first) for a replacement.
Changes to the league play format of the rules may be enacted by MOIHA. All teams will be notified in writing of any such changes.
A. Students must be currently enrolled in the school for which he/she is rostered, unless placed on a different team by MOIHA thru the player draft process. The student has four (4) years of eligibility during their high school career, unless they play as a 7th or 8th grade player. Those years are added beyond the 4 years in high school. Here are the age breakdowns for all MOIHA divisions:
*High School Divisions:
- High school grades 9-12 eligible for Varsity, JV, and C divisions.
- 7th and 8th graders may play for one of their schools high school teams while being a full participant in the junior high division.
*Junior High Divisions:
- Junior high grades 6th thru 8th are eligible for all levels of junior high.
- 4th and 5th grades are eligible for all levels of junior high.
B. The student may not be 19 years of age before September 1st, of his/her senior year. If the student graduates in the fall of their senior year, they will be eligible to play in MOIHA the following spring semester.
C. Copies of the current student grade card must be filed with the league before the first league game.
D. A copy of a photo I.D. is required. This may be a driver’s permit, a driver’s license, a student I.D., or a photo with a date of birth.
E. A copy of proof of age is required. This may be either a date of birth on the grade report, a driver’s permit, a driver’s license, or a birth certificate.
F. Students who are expelled or suspended from school are not eligible until the scholastic disciplinary penalty is resolved.
G. Players who are suspended from play by MOIHA may not participate in MOIHA events until the suspension is lifted or expired.
H. High school commitment letters will no longer be accepted.
A. All students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0, or greater, based on a 4.0 scale.
B. If the student’s cumulative GPA is less than 2.0, but his current reporting period (last grade card) is 2.0 or greater, then the student will be permitted to play under academic probation, until the next grade cards are issued.
C. If the student’s cumulative GPA is greater than 2.0, but his current period GPA is less than 2.0, then the student will be permitted to play under academic probation.
D. A student on academic probation who receives a current period report card with a GPA of less than 2.0, will be declared ineligible.
Special academic eligibility may be obtained in the case of students with a documented learning disorder. Students that are to be considered for this special eligibility, as a result of a learning disability, must submit documentation from the school to MOIHA. A student with a 1.0-1.9 GPA may request special consideration on the documented proof of ability from his/her teachers. No student is eligible for probation with a GPA lower than 1.0. Each request must be made directly to the league officials. Any student whom is not attending a school that provides a grading system must gain approval from the league to play. This includes alternate programs that provide pass/fail grading.
In order to encourage our youth to develop skills in this sport it is recommended that the league allow players to play for teams of all types including professional, with the following provisions.
A. If there is a written agreement with the team, a copy of the agreement must be on file in the league office prior to the beginning of the MOIHA season, or at its first availability.
B. The player may not accept monetary compensation for playing roller hockey for any team, or in any tournament. Reasonable room and board, and travel expenses may be paid by the team/sponsor.
C. A player may receive playing equipment as a member of a select or professional team. However, the equipment will be limited to a single copy of the standard playing equipment necessary to compete on that team, including; helmet, shoulder pads, hip pads, elbow pads, gloves, shin pads, skates, stick, pants, and jersey. Damaged or broken equipment may be replaced, and replacement sticks, wheels, and bearings, will be allowed.
D. A player may participate in tournaments, and/or other rink leagues, including select, or traveling teams as acceptable to the player’s high school club team.
E. Special circumstances should be brought to the attention of the league officials. Any and all information should be forwarded to the league Commissioner via email.
A. Teams will be required to carry a roster binder that contains copies of player’s eligibility requirements, for each player listed on the roster. This roster binder must be presented for approval to MOIHA before the beginning of the season. MOIHA will announce the date for the binder check-in prior to the beginning of each season. Failure to have the roster binder approved may result in a team’s forfeiture of games until the approval is acquired.
B. Failure to produce the roster binder within 48 hours of an official request will result in the team being unable to compete in league play, and possible fine.
C. Whether your school requires it or not, an adult over the age of 18 must represent the team as the coach. It is his/her responsibility to enforce all MOIHA rules and regulations, both in the application procedure and throughout the season.
D. The team must meet the uniform and equipment safety requirements of the league (see section 11.A. Uniforms and Protective Equipment).
E. All teams will be expected to comply in full with the league rules, bylaws and decisions which may be handed down in enforcement of said rules.
F. Penalties, suspensions, and fines may be the results of rule violations. Any special circumstances, or situations which you feel should require special consideration, should be brought to the league’s attention in writing.
A. Teams that fail the eligibility requirements are not eligible for participation in MOIHA. All games scheduled, during the time a team remains ineligible, will be forfeited.
B. Any games played while a team remains ineligible, or while playing an ineligible player, will be forfeited.
C. Teams with outstanding fines, or registration fees, will not be allowed to compete.
D. A team may challenge the eligibility of a given player by notifying both referees and scorekeeper. If a team challenges the eligibility of a player and are wrong, and the player in question is in fact eligible, then the team challenging will have to pay a $50.00 fee. However, if he is not, then any games in which he appeared on the roster will be forfeited, and that player’s team will have to pay a $250.00 fine for each forfeited game.
A player draft may be formed of players from schools not participating in MOIHA, cut from their existing school program, or released from their existing team. Each player must go to website and fill out a “Player Draft Form” and pay a $200.00 deposit that is applied to the team they are assigned. If the player elects not to play for the assigned team, they will forfeit the deposit.
Team draft needs, geographic location, and skill level will be considered when a draft player is placed with a team. MOIHA reserves the right to place draft players on teams as needed. Once a player is placed with a team, they will remain with that program throughout their high school and junior high school career. If the school the draft player attends becomes affiliated with MOIHA, that player will then be required to play for the school in which he attends. If the player was released or cut from the school they attend, the attending school/club must go to the website and fill out a “Player Release Form”. All releases will have to gain MOIHA approval. Releases will only be granted under extenuating circumstances. No team fees can be collected from the returning draft players until after registration and their school is confirmed as not participating in the upcoming season. Draft eligible players cannot attend tryouts for participating organizations. If this occurs, teams may lose their eligibility and/or the player will be deemed ineligible for that seasons draft. There is a separate draft for the high school and junior high leagues. 7th and 8th graders have to enter both drafts if their school does not participate in MOIHA and they want to play in both leagues.
Teams interested in drafting players must go to the website and fill out the “Team Draft Request” form. Teams also must be in good standing with MOIHA and demonstrate a need for additional players. No team will be eligible to draft players if they cut or release players. Schools with multiple teams will be given the lowest priority. If a team cuts or releases a player after drafting additional players, they will lose the draft rights to any players and the drafted players will be placed with other teams. There will be a maximum of 3 players allowed per team from the draft (all exceptions must be approved by MOIHA).
- First Priority - schools with one team that need assistance filling out a team roster. If the school has 8 or more players, they may be placed at the lowest priority.
- Second Priority – schools with two teams (example - high school Varsity team and 1 JV or C team)
- Third Priority – Schools with more than two teams (ex. - Varsity and multiple JV/C teams)
- If more players are available than teams need, players may be placed with schools willing to accept the extra player(s)
Each school registering in the league must have one and only one organization. The name entered as president on the registration form will be the main contact with the league and will be the only contact the league will accept for entry into the next season. This ownership of the organization may change in two ways. The contact may pass ownership to another, or the high school represented may request the league recognize another organization. The school writing a letter to the league on school letterhead and signed by a school board member or the head of the athletic department can accomplish this. To gain entry into the league a registration form must be completed with the organization’s contacts and coaches information and submitted to the league before the start of the season.
- 10.A.2. TEAM SIZE:
Each team will be allowed to carry a maximum of 16 skaters and 4 goaltenders (not including the "Emergency Goalie") on their roster. All rosters must contain at least one goalie. An "Emergency Goalie" will be rostered on each team. The coach/team rep MUST report the name of this goaltender to the scorekeeper. The name will then be put into the game notes. This "Emergency Goalie" must also have on the team’s jersey in which he is playing for. Emergency goalies are NOT permitted to play in the playoffs.
Team registrations for the Breakout tournament and regular season will begin after the MOIHA preseason meeting. Registration period will continue up to the announced registration deadline. To register, a team must register online through the league website. All league fees are due 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the regular season. The final team roster and roster binder must be approved prior to the beginning of the season.
A. No changes may be made to the roster after the roster binder has been approved by the league without written approval from MOIHA.
B. No player may be dropped from the final roster to add another player.
C. Players may be added to empty roster spots after their proof of eligibility is demonstrated and are complete and have been processed by MOIHA. Players can only be added up to the fourth league game played and they must be from the school.
D. Goaltenders may play on all teams within their organization if rostered without league notification and may play out on one team in addition to playing goalie for additional teams. Each team is allowed to swing an unlimited number of players for high school divisions during the season, but once those players have played in 7 games with the higher team then they are locked on that team. Junior High teams are allowed an unlimited number of players and are locked after they have played in 6 games with the higher level team. Players can only be rostered on a maximum of two teams for both the high school and junior high leagues. For both leagues, the players can only swing up to the next level team in your organization (excluding any teams granted permission to play two teams in the same varsity tier/division) and you will have to name a core of 6 players that cannot play down. When a player hits a points threshold to be determined each season for each league, they will be locked at the higher level team. This will NOT be implemented this season but the league has the discretion to move players to the next level. For the playoffs, you will have to submit your static roster thus eliminating swing players at that point.
- 11.A.1. UNIFORMS:
A. All players on the team must wear matching jerseys, similar in color (new vs old color fade) and exact design. It is recommended that all players excluding goalkeepers wear inline hockey pants. Predominate matching color pants are required for all divisions including junior high. Players will not be allowed to play without matching jerseys and appropriate pants.
B. Home teams must wear light colored jerseys. Visiting teams must wear dark colored jerseys.
C. Jerseys must have unique numbers for each player, clearly placed on the back, no less than 8 inches in height and matching on all colors.
D. The school name, logo, mascot, and player name may be displayed on the jersey.
E. No advertisements are allowed on player uniforms or equipment, including helmets without league approval.
- 11.A.2. EQUIPMENT:
A. Logos on originally manufactured equipment may remain as produced.
B. All players must wear proper fitting approved helmets with full cage, or face shield, ear pieces and chin strap. Helmet must remain snapped at all times on the skating surface. No helmet and/or facemask can be altered in any way. They must be worn as manufactured. A player will be removed from the game and may not return until corrections are made.
C. Elbow pads, shin pads, hockey gloves, an athletic protector/cup, and in-line skates are mandatory. No loose or hanging equipment will be permitted.
D. Skates may not have protruding bolts or screws of any kind.
E. Mouthpieces are encouraged but not mandatory.
- 11.A.3. FIRST AID KIT:
Each team should carry a First Aid kit as a part of their equipment. The recommended content of the kit are: band aids, Vaseline, or lubricant, athletic tape, topical antiseptic, ice pack, smelling salts, scissors, gloves, mouth shields.
Official score sheets can be found on the MOIHA website.
A. The team roster must be accurate on the official league score sheet prior to the start of the game. It is the coaches responsibility to make sure that the game rosters are correct for each game. If for some reason the scorekeeper does not ask which players are participating in the game, or if there are jersey number changes or scratches, then the coach needs to notify the scorekeeper before the game begins.
B. If a dressed out player is not listed on the game roster, or if he is wearing a number other than listed, a bench minor penalty will be awarded at the next stoppage of play.
C. If the player is legally rostered on that team, and the omission is clearly inadvertent, then the players name will be added to the score sheet roster and a bench minor penalty assessed.
D. Any player who does not dress for the game, but is listed on the game score sheet roster, must be scratched from the score sheet. Failure to do so may result in a penalty, fine or forfeit being assessed.
Statistics will be maintained on the MOIHA website (Hockey Shift).
- 12.A.3. SCORING:
Players will earn 1 point for each goal, or assist, for which they are credited with on the score sheet. Only one assist will be awarded per goal scored.
- 12.A.4. FORFEITS:
In forfeited games the forfeiting team will not be credited with any goals or assists. Forfeits are counted as a 10-0 loss. Forfeited games do not count towards games played for the forfeiting team. Forfeited games will result in a $250.00 fine for the forfeiting team.
Team points will be accumulated as follows; 3 points for a regulation win, 2 points for an overtime/shootout win, 1 point for an overtime/shoot-out loss, and 0 points for a regulation loss.
In the event that teams are tied with the same amount of points in the standings, the tie breaking criteria will be as follows:
(A) Most Points Earned in Head-to-Head Competition
(B) Goal differential – goals for minus goals against.
(C) Goals against – total goals allowed.
(D) Goals for – total goals scored.
(E) Regulation Wins - wins in regulation
(F) Total Wins – total wins for teams.
(G) Least penalty minutes – least penalty minutes taken by teams.
(H) Coin toss – a representative from both teams will be present.
The league board of directors will render final tiebreaker decisions.
*MOIHA Points of Emphasis:
- Player Benches -Three coaches maximum are allowed on the bench and all must be 18 years of age or older. There must be at least one (1) coach present at all times.
- Starting Line-Up - A team must have a goalie and four skaters or five skaters on the floor at the referee's whistle to start the game. If this requirement cannot be met, the offending team will be forced to take their one (1) minute timeout. Once the timeout is completed, and the offending team still cannot meet the required amount of players, five (5) minutes will be placed on the clock and that team will be given a delay of game penalty. If after the five (5) minutes has expired, a forfeit shall be declared by the referee against the team not able to field the required amount of players.
- Teams will shake hands before the start of the game (not after).
- Protective Equipment - All players must wear HECC/ASTM F1045 Standard Performance Specification helmets, with a chin strap properly fastened, ear guards, and face mask, shin guards, protective cup, elbow pads, hockey gloves and skates. All protective equipment except gloves, helmet and goalie leg pads must be entirely under the uniform. A minor penalty will be imposed on the offending player for a violation of this rule and he/she will not be allowed to continue play until violation is corrected.
- Coincidental Penalties - When coincidental penalties are assessed, the penalized players take their places on their respective penalty benches and NO immediate substitutions shall be allowed (3 on 3). When the penalties expire, they do not have to wait for a stoppage of play to leave the penalty bench unless there a multiple (more than two) coincidental penalized players on the penalty bench. All players must leave the penalty bench by way of the playing surface before being replaced by another player.
- Delaying the Game - A minor penalty or penalty shot or awarded goal can be assessed if in the referee's judgement a player (including goalkeeper) deliberately displaces the goal posts to stop play, prevent a breakaway, scoring opportunity or imminent goal.
- Puck Must Be Kept In Motion - Once a team has possession of the puck in its own defense zone, that team shall always advance the puck towards the opposing goal, unless players of the opposing team prevent them from doing so, or if the team with the puck is shorthanded. When a player in possession of the puck stops behind their own goal for more than 7 seconds, the official will instruct the player to “move the puck”. If the player does not comply with the official's instruction, the official will repeat “move the puck”’. If the player doesn’t immediately pass the puck or skate the puck toward the opposing goal, the official will whistle the play dead. For the first infraction of this rule, play shall be stopped and a face-off will take place at the spot adjacent to the goal of the team causing the stoppage. The referees shall warn the offending team of the reason for the face-off, for a second violation by any player of the same team, a minor penalty shall be imposed on the player violating the rule.
- "The Michigan Rule" - No player shall be permitted to place the puck on the blade of their stick and carry it off the floor of play. The first infraction in the game will result in the referee stopping play, a warning given to the offending team, and the faceoff will be at the center faceoff dot. For a second violation by any player on the same team, a minor penalty shall be assessed for unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Handling Puck with Hands - Hand passes are allowed in the defensive zone. Hand passes across the centerline and received by a teammate in the offensive zone is not allowed. Play will be stopped & the puck will be dropped where the pass originated. A player shall be permitted to handle the puck with his hands momentarily if the puck was shot or deflected in the air. If a player does not drop the puck immediately, play shall be stopped & a faceoff will be conducted where the offense occurred.
- High Sticks - Directing the puck at the goal with a stick above the height of the crossbar will not be permitted, except by the defending team. A faceoff will be conducted at the end zone face off spot of the offending team. The shoulders of the players will be the measuring tool when playing the puck with a stick anywhere else on the floor.
- Hooking - A minor penalty for hooking or high sticking shall be imposed on a player using their stick above the waste of an opponent to impede their progress. This rule shall be strictly enforced.
- Head Contact - is the action of a player contacting an opponent in the head, face, or neck with any of the player's body, stick or equipment. If this infraction occurs, it could result in anything from a minor penalty to a match penalty. The severity of the penalty will be at the referee's discretion.
- Delayed Penalty - During a delayed penalty situation, once the non-offending team has legally replaced the goalkeeper with an additional attacker, the non-offending team may not pass or carry the puck backward from their attacking zone into their defending zone. For a violation, play shall be stopped once the puck has been carried across the center line or has been otherwise propelled across the center line. Note: Referees shall not stop play until it is clear that the puck shall not enter the non-offending team’s goal.
- Obscene or Profane Language or Gestures - Player to Player: a minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, if it continues then a ten (10) minute misconduct, then a game ejection penalty and a game misconduct (suspension for one (1) additional game) will be imposed on the offending player. Player to referee: 10-minute misconduct, or game ejection, or game-misconduct. Team official to referee: bench minor, then if it continues a game misconduct.
- Derogatory Language - any speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Any player or coach that uses this type of langue will automatically receive a match penalty and be suspended indefinitely until meeting with the MOIHA Board of Directors.
- Tied Games - If, at the end of regulation time during the regular season, the score is tied, a three (3) minute sudden-death overtime period, played 3-on-3 with stop time will be played. Any penalty assessed in regulation will carry over to the overtime period. If a team is shorthanded by two players, the teams will start overtime 4-on-2 and resume 3-on-3 at the first whistle after at least one (1) penalty has expired or a goal has been scored (provided the penalty or penalties being served are not the teams 7th penalty or more. See rule below). If the score is still tied, there will be a 3 man shootout. The number of eligible players for the shootout is equal to the lower roster. For example: if Team “A” has 6 players and a goalie and Team “B” has 12 players and a goalie then the amount of eligible players is 6. If the game is still tied, a sudden-death shootout will follow. A player serving a penalty at the end of overtime with time still remaining is ineligible for the shootout.
- Mercy Rule - When the goal differential in any game is 10, the referee will terminate the game, if it occurs in the first period then the clock will run and the game is over after the first half. If at the conclusion of the first period, the score is no longer a differential of 10, the game will resume as normal. If the goal differential is 8 then the clock will run and it will not be stop time again until the score is within 2. If a mercy occurs in the Junior High divisions, the teams will play out the remainder of the game (run time) with no stats being recorded.
- Water Bottles - No water bottles allowed on the floor. (This includes water bottles on the top of the goals).
- Out of Play - The netting at the top of the glass is considered out of play and face off will ensue at an end zone dot or the center face off dot depending on who last played the puck. Goalies shooting the puck over the protective glass will be accessed a minor penalty for delay of game.
- Game Ejection - The penalized player will be removed for the duration of that game.
- Game Misconduct - The penalized player will receive a game ejection and suspended from that teams next game. That player will not be eligible to participate with any other team until the suspension is served.
- Match/Fighting Penalty - The penalized player will receive a match penalty and is suspended indefinitely until the MOIHA disciplinary board (every 2 weeks during the season) reviews the incident.
- 4 and 12 Rule - Any player having been assessed 4 or more penalties in a game will receive a Game Ejection and any team assessed 12 or more penalties in a game, the head coach will receive a one (next) game suspension. If a delayed penalty is signaled on a player's fourth penalty or team's 12th penalty and the non-offending team scores, the penalty will not be charged to the player or team because the penalty was not assessed (written on the score sheet). If however the delayed penalty is a major penalty and a goal is scored the major penalty will be assessed and the player will receive a game ejection and any additional penalty that may accompany the major penalty.
- Alcohol and Tobacco products of ANY kind are not permitted on the player's bench, penalty bench or on the playing surface at any time before, during or after a MOIHA league game. The team official (coach, manager, trainer) or player violating this rule will be assessed a minor (bench) penalty for the first offense and a game ejection or game misconduct for further violations.
- Any team who receives 6 penalties in the game will then be forced to serve all future penalties for the entire 2 minutes. From penalty seven on all minors are treated as majors and the player must stay in the penalty box no matter how many goals are scored.
- If a player is suspended on one level, they must serve that suspension in that level before playing any other level.
- The faceoff following a penalty call will be in the offensive zone of the team on the power play.
- All other rules are contained in the league adopted rulebook found at Any rule from the RHA rulebook which comes into conflict with MOIHA rules will defer to MOIHA. MOIHA rules have authority over RHA rules.
*Coaches Code of Conduct: (Click here for print version)
MOIHA is very appreciative of the coaches’ time and dedication. All coaches are representatives of their team, individual school, and the league. In order to insure all coaches perceive their position and responsibilities in the same way, the following code of conduct and responsibilities have been developed.
- Always conduct themselves in a manner that does not reflect badly on either themselves, their school, or the league
- Do not engage in any activities which are, or may be viewed as being, detrimental to any player, school, or to the league.
- Alcohol and Tobacco products of ANY kind is not permitted on the player's bench, penalty bench or on the playing surface at any time before, during or after a MOIHA league game.
- Conduct themselves in a positive and sportsmanlike manner at all times.
- Strive to provide a safe and positive environment at all times and promote fair play and sportsmanship with all players, coaches, referee’s, league officials, and parents.
- Abusive verbal confrontations with other coaches, players, referees, league officials, or parents will not be tolerated.
- The use of profanity by a coach in front of players will not be tolerated.
- Any type of physical abuse towards anyone will not be tolerated.
- Any coach found to be in violation of this code of conduct is subject to review by the league for disciplinary action. The league may issue suspensions or termination of coaching privileges in the league as they deem necessary.
- All coaches must be familiar with all rules, guidelines, and procedures contained in the MOIHA rules, as well as all RHA Inline hockey rules and guidelines.
- Conduct organized practice sessions for their team.
- Ensure all players wear proper and required equipment for all practices and games.
- Maintain an open line of communication with the players and parents of their team and ensure they are kept informed of any and all procedures, circumstances, and rules that may affect them.
- Come prepared for practice and games with water bottles, pucks, and schedule information etc.
- In the event that none of the coaches are available to coach a practice or game please make arrangements to have an adult parent on the bench.
*Players Code of Conduct: (Click here for print version)
MOIHA is very appreciative of the players’ time and dedication. All players are representatives of their team, individual school, and the league. In order to insure all players perceive their responsibilities in the same way, the following code of conduct and responsibilities have been developed.
- Play for fun it is just a game.
- Work hard every time you are on the floor to improve your skills.
- Be a team player – get along with your teammates.
- Be a disciplined player and always exercise good sportsmanship.
- Be early for practices and games.
- Learn the rules and play by them.
- Respect your coach, teammates, opponents, officials, and parents.
- Never argue with an official’s decision.
- Maintain academic eligibility at your school.
- Be respectful of the rinks, locker rooms, and all other common areas of the facilities that you are playing at all times.
- Do not use foul language or obscene gestures.
- Never do anything that may be construed as “taunting” or unsportsmanlike to others.